8 to go, go, go!

At Rise & Shine, we’re excited to announce the countdown to our Crowdfunder.

In just 8 days time, on the 10th October, coinciding with World Mental Health day, we will be launching our crowdfunding campaign.

To celebrate our countdown, each day in the lead up, we’ll share a number of special resources, facts or helpful hints which all align with the app so you can “Wake up feeling great” or have a better day!

First up our favourite – 8 great motivational videos on YouTube

Here’s the playlist in detail, or you can watch the full list here:


1.) The Video That Will Change Your Future | Powerful Motivational Speech 2018 Motivation Addicts

2.) The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm by TEDx Talks

3.) 10 Minutes To Start Your Day Positively – MORNING MOTIVATION (listen every morning) By daily MOTIVATION

4.) Motivational Speech By Navy Seal Admiral William H. McRaven by Motivation Archive

5.) What if you could trade a paperclip for a house? | Kyle MacDonald | TEDxVienna by TEDx Talks

6.) MORNING MOTIVATION – How Successful People Start Their Day by Be Inspired

7.) Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #8 – RISE UP | 30-Minutes of the Best Motivation by Motiversity

8.) 5 Lessons To Live By – Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring) by Fearless Soul

We hope you enjoy our playlist as much as we do, and maybe feel motivated to share with a friend!
Rise & Shine


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In Summary: An alarm clock designed to help you to have a fantastic day – to wake up feeling great. Crowdfunded, and in development.

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