wake up feeling great
To enhance your experience, below are some facts, points and tips.
- Tracks play as you wake up, but it doesn’t matter if you’re awake. If you don’t remember a word that is said, simply enjoy waking up gently. Your subconscious mind hears it all!
- ‘General Wellbeing’ tracks compliment all specific categories. You can use specific categories along side ALL generic ones. i.e. to give up smoking you can listen to the Smoking Cessation tracks and all the General Wellbeing ones too.
- Variety is the spice of life, but repetition is the language of the brain. If you find one track particularly helpful, repeat it for a while.

Negative thoughts are detrimental to your state of mind.
Every negative thought is submitted to the subconscious, the subconscious doesn’t understand the difference between positive and negative, it will just work very hard to turn either into reality. If you jump out of bed and stub your toe, and shout “it’s going to be a terrible day!” then guess what… a terrible day will follow!
Every negative thought generates stress in our Amygdala – the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ area of the brain. Life is not manageable here, it’s hectic and negative, on red alert. This area of the brain will release hormones that make you feel less than fantastic. Cortisol the stress hormone will even eat away at your lean muscle mass. We make bad decisions here, it can even stifle our progress, holding us back from our full growth potential.
TLDR; negative thoughts are detrimental to your state of mind.
Every positive thought we have releases serotonin the feel good hormone, and what a positive thought that is.
Positive thoughts release stress, and our brains operate from the pre left frontal cortex area – the secretary of the brain. Always coming up with answers based on a proper assessment of the situation and is generally very positive. Life is good here. We are more open to opportunities and ideas, and moments of inspiration occur! We have access to a huge resource of information, our pre left frontal cortex knows how to eat well, how to improve relationships, move up the career ladder, how to progress and win at life.
Can you picture a more perfect time to start thinking positively than before you even open your eyes?!
You are in your conscious mind when you are in the present moment, when you are aware, aware of the choices you make. The conscious mind is the boss of the brain, you are in your conscious mind just 10% of the time. Every thought you have at a conscious level is submitted to the subconscious, the subconscious mind is always working to turn your every conscious intention into reality. When you are in agreement with Rise & Shine suggestions they become your conscious intention, bounced back to your pre left frontal cortex. You will be in agreement as the suggestions are always for your benefit.
We are in our subconscious mind 90% of the time, a huge resource of information and mind activity. Envisage an iceberg, the tip is our conscious mind, the vast area beneath is the subconscious mind. The job of our subconscious mind is to turn our every intention into reality and it is constantly working on our behalf.
This is your adult intellectual area of your brain, it always comes up with answers based on a proper assessment of the situation and is generally very positive. When we are in this area of the brain we always get things right in life. This is the area of the brain that Rise & Shine aims to wake you up in, plant seeds in, and keep you in.
Consider this the Secretary of your brain. The secretary takes the job at hand and turns it into reality. The secretary will only come on board when the instruction is clear and concise, as though the outcome is inevitable. Rise & Shine is written in a language that ensures all of the key elements are included, the secretary is activated. The secretary comes on board when it is backed up by your own internal resources – Confidence, Motivation, Determination, Self-esteem etc.. Rise & Shine tracks insert these elements, reiterates them re cap’s and re visit them to insure the instructions are delivered with all of the ingredients for success. Now fantastic things start to happen. Envisage blue prints, blue prints turn into sky scrapers as your intention becomes a reality.
The fight or flight area of the brain. In a life threatening situation the Amygdala will drive you to fight or run. Rise & Shine keeps you out of this area of your brain. This area of the brain is very beneficial for one thing, your own self preservation, it is very beneficial when you are in a life threatening situation. In life threatening situations you do not have time to make a proper assessment of the situation in a positive manner, you lose intellectual control and you react negatively to save your life. It is not beneficial however to be in this area of the brain in daily life, and most certainly not useful to wake up this way
When you are in the Amygdala for anything other than a life threatening situation the responses and actions are distorted. The hormones released are stressful and not suitable to serve you. To save your life the Amygdala must instantly respond with a ‘worst case scenario’ outlook, it must be negative, it must be on red alert at all times. It would make you tense ready to react, panic and stress, creating depression and anxiety, keep checking for the danger – obsessive compulsive disorders, all of these symptoms are beneficial if you came face to face with a polar bear, you would be correct to be on red alert, to keep checking for danger, to respond to a worst case scenario, if you invited the polar bear into the warmth you would likely be dead in an instant. if you considered it might of alread ate, it would eat you as quick as you pondered on it. The negative responses are not beneficial when you are up against life’s daily struggles, bills, break ups, a stubbed toe! We must remain in adult intellectual control, we must remain in our pre left frontal cortex. Rise & Shine prevents the user waking up in the Amygdala kick starting a fantastic day in the right frame of mind, making sure you don’t get out of the wrong side of the bed, ready to take on the day in such a positive way.
REM – Rapid Eye Movement sleep, is one of the five stages of sleep that most people experience nightly. It is characterised by quick, random movements of the eyes and paralysis of the muscles. While the conscious mind rests, the subconscious mind works. Rise & Shine gradually wakes you from this state of mind, the subconscious absorbing the instructions and suggestions like a sponge, intentions turn into reality as fantastic positive changes begin.
The Hypnopompic State
The practice of hypnotherapy or guided meditation normally begins with an induction process, to enter in to a state of REM.
With Rise & Shine, as you are already in an REM state, there’s no need for induction. You are in a Hypnopompic state – defined by WikiPedia as “emotional and credulous dreaming cognition trying to make sense of real world stolidity” so the therapeutic process begins before you even open your eyes.
The audio is carefully designed and produced to register while your mind is Hypnopompic, when your brain waves are operating in ‘Beta’ waves – the waking state. Here, our minds are slower than waking ‘Alpha’ waves and we can make decisions easily. You may never know what decisions you have even made, but as they are, any confusions settle and you gain clarity of mind.
Now the percussion and vocals softly move you into the ‘Alpha’ mind state, where the brain starts to narrow its’ focus. This is a light state of trance (nothing scary about it, simply your conscious mind at rest) you are now 200 times more suggestible. Take a moment to take that in at a conscious level or simply allow your subconscious mind to absorb it deeply, 200 times more suggestible!
With further relaxation techniques you are now in a state of lucid dreaming, complimenting your journey of positive change with beautiful metaphors – easily embedded and rarely forgotten. Rise & Shine will use the power of your own imagination as a fantastic tool for positive transformation before entering a third mind state called ‘theta’ – a state of profound creativity and exceptional insight.
Finally into wakefulness the volume increases as the tempo rises feeling refreshed, feeling great and feeling alive… 3, 2, 1, “wide awake, Rise & Shine.”